I Wish I Were a Man !

4 min readOct 10, 2024

At many points in my life, I’ve silently thought to myself: I wish I were a man. This thought didn’t arise because I have a problem with who I am, but because my experiences in the world sometimes felt unfair and restrictive. The roles, limits, and burdens society places on women felt heavy at times. Would everything have been easier if I were a man?

Being a man isn’t just a physical difference. Culturally and socially, it often seems like a privilege. Living in a world where freedoms are broader, where you’re accepted without question, and where your talents or achievements aren’t constantly tested… I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to exist in such a world. In moments when I felt a step behind, I found myself thinking, would I not have felt this way if I were a man?

When I was a child, playing outside with my friends, why was I always the one called home earlier? Why were my household chores more numerous while my brother spent more time outside? If I were a boy, maybe these rules wouldn’t have applied to me. As I became more aware of how the responsibilities imposed on women by society shaped me, these questions echoed louder in my mind.

Recently, we were shaken by a horrific incident in Fatih. A boy, I say boy because he was only 19 years old, named Semih Çelik killed two young women, and then jumped from the city walls to his death. I’m…




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